I’ve always been disappointed with the lack of a decent desktop user interface for media management in visual effects software. Only Discreet/Autodesk’s Flame software has ever come close to perfection when it came to managing media, although it has stagnated over recent years with lack of true innovation.
I undertook the task of creating a “desktop environment” for media management with the single goal of proving to myself that I could do it. My FXDesktop was that application. Since it was merely a proof of concept I didn’t make it very robust–but it also taught me a lot about media management in the process.
Unlimited libraries, desktops, clips, reels, frames of multiple file formats, scrollable clips and reels, lots of fun trying to duplicate the Flame’s user experience. I designed it as a dotnet component, making it drag & drop-able into any dotnet application.
As a side-effect, I also now had a nice clip-viewing component that I have used in several other applications.
I never had any intention of taking it to market or implementing it in real world use. I basically tried to duplicate the functionality of the Flame desktop and I give all credit for the original design to the kids at Discreet that wrote the original implementation.