After installing the new bench I added my newly refinished and painted bench vise. I installed some great plastic pegboard I found that is modular in 18×18″ pieces. I HATE that old cardboard pegboard stuff and the hooks that always fell out. I set about trying to find decent hook and found a few online dealers that sold them for $7 each (!). I decided to make my own so I built a prototype from styrene rod that I heat-bent and epoxied into a proper shape and thickness.
I then cast the prototype in silicone rubber and cast 75 positives in plastic resin.
When finished then fit perfectly into the pegboard holes, don’t wiggle or fall out, and stay in place when tools are removed. When my neighbors saw them they wanted some of their own!
New hooks and shelves, and some custom yard tool holders to neaten up the walls.
New steel shelving and rubbermaid storage boxes for plumbing, electrical, painting and other supplies. Airtight, so no moisture issues.
New wall mounts for sawhorses and my homemade crosscut sled and taper jigs for the table saw.
I recently rebuilt (correctly) a harbor freight x-y vise. After milling and finishing the ways properly and some fresh coats of enamel paint I built a mounting table for my drill press with it.
Finally cleaned up! From left to right–Jointer, grinder awaiting it’s homemade stand, router table, drill press with xy table….
Back wall and right–Shelving, bench, tool storage shelves, jigs,hand and power saws, tablesaw and compound miter saw. All with plenty of space between them and work space.
Now I can start building my CNC mill.